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Can't authorise Demo Mode

+1 vote

Congratulations on the release of WAVERAZOR

Cant seem to authorise demo.

I have details of my Traction account entered in registration but says no longer valid password, account is new, also changed password/reset as requested, I get same problem, reinstalled software, restarted host etc.Same issue.

Any ideas

Thanks for your help and reply.

OXS 10.10.5

Live 9.7.1
asked Apr 18, 2017 in Registration by motion (230 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Yikes!    We just heard of an issue where non-ASCII characters seem to be allowed by the Tracktion website, but aren't working when transmitted via our authorization scheme.   If your password has any special or international characters, can you give it a try to change those to more normal characters and see if that works?

What I am suggesting, I realize is not ideal, and we are looking into it.
answered Apr 18, 2017 by rob (14,780 points)
selected Apr 18, 2017 by rob
Also, if that is not the case, or doesn't work, please open a case here:  https://tracktion.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
That will allow us to get the Tracktion web guys involved and see what is going on.
No problems...will do...he! he! its full of them (-;
Hi Rob

Nice catch! and figuring that one out...it is exactly as you say.Changed pass to no non-ASCII/special or other international characters used.Demo now working, accepted straight away no issues.

Thanks much appreciated.
Great!   Glad to hear and thanks for pinging back...  hopefully we'll have that sorted out in the next build.
Hi Rob

You are welcome and thanks again.

PS just edited post to mention no international or other special characters used either.

Hey Rob,

Loopy C from gearslutz thread you posted to a few days ago...just wanted to let you know here I tried your suggestion...though I verified old password did NOT have any non-ASCII characters, but I changed it anyway to something very simple...basic numbers/letters only and still 'Registration Failed' problem.
Hey Loopy C,    Thanks for giving that a try, on the bright side we can rule out the non-ASCII thing as our culprit in this case.   I also followed up on the Gearslutz thread, sadly without any good information, but hopefully we'll hear something soon... many thanks for persevering with us!

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