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Midi control assignment

+1 vote

What do you have planned for the midi assignments? My wishlist is that I can control all available parameters through midi. Is that in the works? What I would like to see is that you can choose a midi channel and a CC for a parameter. I don't know what your resolution is for CCs (7-bit mid or 14-bit midi) but I would expect you have a 14-bit CC resolution. I'd really love to hear your plans for midi assignments. By the way, NRPNs would also be cool if that makes things easier.

Thank you in advance
asked Apr 18, 2017 in Waverazor by ezbezb (290 points)

1 Answer

–1 vote
We don't have any specific plans for MIDI assignments at the moment.   I was imagining users would do this via their DAW controller assignments / control surfaces?

Currently, most of the front panel UI macros are exposed as automation parameters, so you can control these either via DAW automation, or setup/learn control surface mappings for those parameters.   That's exactly how I'll be running Waverazor this week at Superbooth, with a Nektar keyboard mapped in Tracktion's Waveform DAW.

I had also imagined the automation parameters was the best route, since you typically (not always) get much higher resolution control information from the DAW during automation... when mapped via MIDI Controls, it then operates at 7 bit, unless you DAW allows you to map RPN/NRPN's to those controls.

In any case, MIDI and Control is something I care a lot about, so if I have missed your point here, please do let me know.   Cheers!
answered Apr 18, 2017 by rob (14,780 points)
Hello Rob. It seems I am in the minority. :) I don't use the DAW controller assignments. Maybe I should give them a try again. It is just, that there are various VSTs around that use Midi Learn and that I always preferred that way when setting up my controlling.

Do you mean you are at Superbooth in Berlin? I took a look at their exhibitors list and saw only Tracktion. I guess you will be at the Tracktion booth?
Or I am in the minority ;)  --   If I understand correctly, you'd prefer to just have a MIDI setup, or learn function, to assign controllers directly.   I can put that on our list.   It shouldn't be too difficult, since we are already dealing with incoming controller data anyhow.

You are correct, I will be at the Tracktion booth (setting up the booth later today actually!)
Hello Rob. Exactly. I prefer a learn function to assign controllers directly.

As for Superbooth. I might drop by to say hello. I wasn't planning on going this year, but knowing you are there it would be cool to visit. Just have to look at some travel arrangements. I guess you are also there on Saturday?
@ezbezb - it was great to see you Superbooth, many thanks for stopping by and chatting in depth about the MIDI control assignments and other feature ideas... definitely some good stuff for us to put on the future list!
@rob It was great to see you guys too. I underestimated the time to check everything out at Superbooth. ;) I know next time I will have to be there much earlier.

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