Hi @synapticgroove!
Good idea! Rob and I actually discussed this when we were designing the interface. However, it definitely adds some complexity, and we had decided that the main performance page wasn't the place to do it. Our current idea for that page is to just grab something fun and go with it...
The UI design problem here is that you really want two different modes for this type of editing, a relative mode that keeps any parameter offsets, and an absolute mode that sets everything to the same value. You may even want a scaled (multiplicative rather than additive) response so that the parameter relationships get exaggerated or de-emphasized.
That would mean adding more shift keys or menus and then it starts getting to be not as fun. We were thinking it would be better to have these editing tools in the deep patch editor and also let them be applied to other things besides the oscillator segments. I found that while setting up tons of mod routes it could be useful there too, for example. Or if you set up 48 LFOs and want to change them all from Sine to Random. That sort of thing...
We figured that once you press that edit button, you're in a different mindset, more scientist than rock star, so navigating editing tools and modes would be more acceptable then. We could be wrong though! Maybe Waverazor users are all scientific genius rock stars! :) Rob and I are definitely open to other ideas on this. I'm just laying out a little information about where we stand currently, and why.
I think having ongoing discussions about synthesis and user interface design are fascinating! Please do let me know what you think about all this when you get a chance.
All the best,