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Are new or user defined colour skins possible?

+2 votes

Let me first say that I just bought Waverazor today, (just before Xmas)  and love it.

The possibilities with  VCF's will be immense, and will cover a lot of sonic territory, including unique and ethereal soundscapes and also new chord and lead-line voices, not just variations on the abrasive sounds, which many other synths accomplish.   I must say that BioTek and Waverazor work very well together.

However,  my only criticism;

Some of the colours are very difficult to see, especially un-highlighted  blue  on black, and blobs of red near a knob.. Both are difficult to see on large monitors at a distance. (yes, I have old eyes) 

Might a colour panel applet be develop-able, (I don't care much about Glow) so that more easy to read and to interact with user skins could be designed?

regards, and thanks again for such sterling and groundbreaking work



asked Dec 23, 2017 in Waverazor by richard (190 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Hi Richard,

Thanks for the kind words and am happy to hear you are enjoying Waverazor.

At the moment, there are a handful of 'themes' in the settings dialog box where you can change the colour scheme, hopefully finding something easier on your eyes (my eyes are getting pretty old as well ;)

I do have an XML format for those colour themes, it is pretty basic, and it has been my plan all along to open that up to folks to tweak their own themes, I just haven't gotten to that point yet...  before too long though I will get that done.   Currently, the XML themes are built into the app, my eventual plan is allow other files from a preference folder somewhere to be loaded as well, thus allowing you to have your own theme files that you can tweak.   And then after that, a simple editor (colour panel, as you suggest) to make all the various colors easier to adjust would be ideal.

I have a few more big items I need to knock out in Waverazor before I get to that one... though I do tend to prioritize my work based on user comments, so maybe it won't be so long ;)

Thanks for the comments!

- Rob
answered Dec 23, 2017 by rob (14,780 points)
Many thanks Rob..
Great service..



0 votes

Waverazor v1.0.4 has just been released.   It still doesn't have a full skin editor/script system, but I did update all of the Color themes and added a few new ones, just to give you some additional choices in the meantime.   I think a lot of the alternate themes are now easier on folks with more sensitive vision (or older eyes, in my case ;)

If you get a chance to check them out, I would love to know which, if any, of the Themes are in a direction that is better for your work.

answered Jan 12, 2018 by rob (14,780 points)
Hi Rob..
Very many thanks for the prompt response to my query and your efforts.  Anything that makes the GUI easier to read is a great bonus. (especially for old eyes like mine, which only seem to get worse after staring at computer screens all day.)  
I'll check the new skins out ASAP although I have a lot of studio work to finish,  but shall make the effort and find the time..  
The more I explore Waverazor, the more possibilities I find..  I've also been layering it on the same midi channel as BioTek and stacking voices..
They're both really excellent separately,  but together, just amazing!

best regards

Hi Rob..    I find the ICE colour scheme easiest on the eyes.  Things are reasonably clear and allow longer periods gazing at the screen.   

I look forward to a user-selectable colour panel, and tweak-able themes, in the fullness of time..

Sterling work, as usual.

many thanks & regards

0 votes
Thank you so much for this share!
answered Jul 12, 2018 by roberttseng (120 points)

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