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Waverazor and New Editor

+2 votes
I saw the NAMM Video with Sonicstate, a real eye opener with the sheer amount of parameters you are dealing with.What an amazing job you have done with the factoring and deconstruction of said parameters into an editable and elegant solution, it's clear to see the amount of hard work and likely pain that has gone into Waverazor's editor, it also looks {and sounds} stunning and highly logical with the GUI layout to get down and dirty....a tweaker's twitch paradise dare I say.Great work and truly a labour of love.I hear from the interview there is more to come with new additional features and ongoing refinements.Spoilt!

What I see here is very special, possibly unique in its almost microscopic control of frequency with a massive amount of creative manipulation, the fundamental driving force of sound represented in Waverazor is a laboratory for sonic creation at birthing level.

Waverazor is shaping up to be a tremendous powerhouse bordering on OCD.All this incredible oscillation at its heart and then some is a real gift for the synthesist.

I hope Waverazor and MOK get more widely recognised (and awarded), imho it certainly deserves to be considered as an essential in the toolkit of many a sound hounds arsenal who are interested in pushing the limits with what is possible with this level of creative frequency manipulation that's on offer.The sheer versatility and multitude of tone and timbre generation is breathtaking.So much fun too.

Looking forward very much to this update and thank you MOK for the all the efforts in realising Waverazor.
asked Feb 5, 2018 in Waverazor by motion (230 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
Wow!  Thank you for the kind words!  Yes, it's definitely our mission at MOK to push the boundaries of synthesis, and we hope that our little company takes off so we can support Waverazor and bring you many more innovative new instruments in the years to come.

Fortunately, we are slowly getting more and more exposure, but it definitely helps whenever anyone talks about us.  That's grassroots marketing in the social media age...  :)

As of this writing, we're still on track for release of the Waverazor editor version in March, so things are looking good, and I can't wait to hear all the new sounds and music everyone will make!

All the best,

answered Feb 6, 2018 by taiho (9,320 points)

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