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A short list of bugs and issues following One-Synth-Challenge Jan 2019

+1 vote
Thanks to the MOK crew for giving us the opportunity to play with this synth. Here are a few issues encountered:

Voice envelopes - when Attack set too low i.e. below 0.008 on my kick patch:
 - any modulation applied to envelope using macro controls gets ignored for first note played

In Mono mode with keytrack to 0 on oscillator and 100% on filter - the filter keytracking is ignored when legato notes played, even when env triggers are all set to Reset (e.g. on my noisemaker preset)

In voice matrix - deleting a routing from the list - matrix routing numbers change, and any mods affecting another mod matrix destination lose their link.

On loading a project containing patches with ARP enabled, those patches act as if ARP was disabled, though the button is still highlighted. Disabling and re-enabling ARP mode fixes this.

After saving a preset, the module inside MuLab shows the name of the preset, which is correct. But after loading the song back up it says "unknown"

On Loading Projects the LFO rate does not playback at correct tempo (slightly off) and has to be reset, this happens with many patches (eg with RS Bass LFO 1a patch - 1/8 Sync).

when AmpEnv Velocity scale is assigned to a control, the Amp ADSR Release time does not work properly - when sustain off no release at all

I hope I have made these clear enough. Just give me a shout for any further info.
asked Feb 2, 2019 in Bugs_Open by RichardSemper (130 points)
retagged Feb 2, 2019 by rob

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi Richard!   Thank you for this detailed list, some of these we are aware of, and have an open bug, however the LFO rate and AmpEnv Velocity scale I was not aware of.   I will take a look at these in the coming weeks.

And also, many thanks for all of the efforts, assistance, and tutorials during One Synth Challenge #119 ! 

- Rob

answered Feb 2, 2019 by rob (14,780 points)