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CV 1:2 Mux for FM question

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Hello, I've had my Waverazor Oscillator for about a month or so and so far it's absolutely insane with the amount of stuff I could do with it and what I can achieve sonically, so I decided maybe it was time to see how the module handles FM so I decide to pick one of the FM patches, linked OSC 1 output to OSC 2/AUD input with the CV 1:2 Mux routing and a sequence to OSC 1 input to see how it handles itself, however it seems that OSC 1 gets affected too when patching the output into OSC 2/AUD input as if it was FMing itself. So I decided to check the manual and on page 25 it says that it is a mix of both which makes sense as to why OSC 1 is FMing on itself, however on page 36 for the FM patches it says that both oscillators should respond to the CV input of OSC 1 while FM is added to OSC 2 which is what I was using so it's a little confusing. Is CV 1:2 Mux just OSC 1 CV input going into OSC 2 CV input and vice versa or should it just be OSC 1 CV input going into OSC 2 CV input and OSC 2 CV input is routed independently? Mine is both going into each other so I'm hoping it's intentional and not a bugged system, thanks for the help!
asked Dec 25, 2020 in Waverazor Dual Osc by somedude1013 (120 points)

1 Answer

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"CV 1:2 Mux" is multiplying CV1 and CV2 together and sending it to both Oscillators.   This is why you are hearing both oscillators respond to patching something into CV2.   This is most normally used when you want a Pitch (CV1) and FM (CV2) going to both oscillators, typically an external FM source.   Of course, what you are doing is also totally fine, as it creates an interesting loop of self-(re)modulation. "CV 1:2 Sum" is just another variant of this.

If you want the Oscillators to operate independently, eg. just want to FM Osc 2 using Osc 1, "CV1 : CV2" is a simpler mode, where CV 1 will only control Osc 1, and CV 2 only controls Osc 2.    In this mode, if you patch Osc 1 into CV2, you'll then just hear Osc 2 being FM'd by Osc 1.

I know this isn't always totally clear, but as you pointed out, we did try to put all kinds of powerful features in there for you to discover wild new sounds!

Hope that helps.

- Rob


answered Dec 26, 2020 by rob (14,780 points)
Ahh I understand now, I suppose if I wanted to track both Osc 1 and 2 while having Osc 2 FM'd by Osc 1 I could have both the tracking and the output of Osc 1 go into a mixer module first then into Osc 2 which should be fine I believe, it would be nice to have a mode where Osc 1 input to just be routed to Osc 2 while having whatever that is connected to Osc 2 input be mixed with whatever that routed to Osc 1 but I imagine there's probably some hardware limitations to have that happen, which like I said isn't a big deal since there's probably workarounds for that. I will say though self-(re)modulation is pretty insane if I want just pure, unrelenting, beautiful noise so I'm pretty sure I'm just scratching the surface on what the Waverazor is truly capable of doing. I'm excited to see what else I can bring out from it as well as seeing what future updates brings to the table for new sonic capabilities.

And also seeing what others can bring to the table *cough* patch sharing forum *cough*

Happy new year everybody!

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