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SOLVED (Note-off in monophonic mode problem)

+1 vote

Please disregard this ticket! After taking the time to, ahem, RTFM, I found the "Voice Mode" tab in the Oscillator blocks of the Editor and the corresponding "Mono" setting and "Voice Stealing" which solves this problem. I'll leave my original ticket here for posterity in case anyone else comes looking for the solution to this "bug" which isn't really a bug, just a classic case of user error!




Hi, I've noticed a little problem when using Waverazor in monophonic (1-voice) mode.

When I play, for example, a C, and keep holding the C down and then press a D as well, the voice changes to play D as expected and all is well. However, if I then release the D while still keeping the C held down, the note-off event from the D being released also ends the C note and therefore the voice does not move back to C. The only way to ensure that the C is played again is to release the C and press it again.

asked Oct 9, 2021 in Bugs_Closed by cygnuszwaan (250 points)
reopened Oct 12, 2021 by rob

1 Answer

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Thanks for documenting that Brendan.   I went to verify this myself, found it all to be working correctly, and came back here to find you had already figured it out!  Agreed to keep this here in case someone is searching for a Mono mode case in Waverazor.

You are correct that the various Voice modes can be confusing, but they are there to provide specific types of allocation that might be applicable to certain playing situations.   For Mono mode, using Direct voice stealing and Stage steal order is the most common (what you were looking for here I think).   The patch, TunedFeedback, is one example of the traditional mono mode style.

answered Oct 12, 2021 by rob (14,780 points)
selected Nov 18, 2021 by rob