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How do I download the Bob Moog patches for Miniraze?

+2 votes
I just paid for the Bob Moog patches but do not a download link anywhere at MOK.com.

Please advise!


Wade C
asked Nov 18, 2021 in Miniraze by wadecottingham (240 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
You need to reauthorize Miniraze.   In Miniraze, go into the Settings (gear icon) and choose Register.   Enter your mok.com login info and press Register.   That should do it.     Cheers!  - Rob
answered Nov 18, 2021 by rob (14,780 points)
selected Nov 18, 2021 by rob
Thanks for the very quick reply!  Are you saying that registering will make the link work, under "Available Downloads" in my account area? It did not do so.  I tried that. Maybe tomorrow it will suddenly work, I will try again tomorrow.  There is a link for the patches but nothing happens when I click it.  I paid for them but don't see (yet) any way to download the patches.
You don't need to download anything, Miniraze will enable the BMF Bank automatically.   When you Register (again) in Miniraze, it will get your new stuff from the server and you should then just see the BMF bank is available inside Miniraze.
Excellent, I see them now.  Thanks again!
Glad to hear, and thanks for your support!
Okay, I've got it now. I thought, however, that when I purchased MiniRaze, I saw a note stating that I would receive an email with a registration number.

Maybe, I just need more sleep....

Sorry for the bother!

Thanks again,

I will check our instructions, as I hope we didn't mislead you with information about an email... possibly we need more sleep as well! ;).

Also if you ever forget about this, in your My MOK Account, under the My Software Products, there are links to your purchased Sound Banks.   Clicking on those links explains that you can just re-authorize your plugin to get the latest licenses.

Thanks for reaching out, and for your support of MOK!

- Rob
Thanks, Rob! All is good.
