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32bit compatibility on Mac/OSX

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A question from a user:

Hey guys...maybe a dumb question but here goes...your waverazor is 64 bit?....i'm running ableton at 32bit ....is there compatibility issues?..

i'm a little unclear perhaps on the concepts...maybe...lol..

Please do 32 bit for mac..if possible

asked Apr 17, 2017 in Waverazor by rob (14,780 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer
Waverazor does support 32bit, on OSX 10.8.5 and above.   This was added in v1.0.2 - 2017.May.10
answered Apr 7, 2018 by rob (14,780 points)
0 votes
Currently Waverazor is 64bit only on OSX.   We support 10.9 and above, which is a 64bit only platform, so it seemed to make the most sense for our testing efforts.

However, that being said, what OS version are you running?

I can probably get compatibility back to 10.8.5...  and presuming this is where you are running with 32bit hardware?  --  I guess this is more common than I realized, and I am open to giving it a shot.
answered Apr 17, 2017 by rob (14,780 points)
Additionally, I've spoken to some other users that have more recent OS versions (eg. 10.11/10.12) but are running a 32bit DAW.   This may not be as difficult for us to support, and I had thought most everyone on 10.9 and above (64 bit hardware) would be using 64 bit DAWs, but clearly that isn't the case.

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