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Purchased, but still shows up as Demo Mode?

+1 vote

I purchased Waverazor at tracktion.com, and I tried entering my password again and clicking "Register" but it still says I'm in demo mode.  Tried shutting down my host and restarting, still no luck.  And I don't think I can do the Tracktion offline registration thing since I don't have a machine ID to give it.  I shouldn't have to download it again, right?  Since it just says "If you purchased Wavezaror from the Tracktion Marketplace, simply enter your email and password below to unlock it."

(It also says I have "29 days, 718 hours, and 43086 minutes reamining in Demo Mode" which is a total of about 98 days laugh)

asked Apr 18, 2017 in Registration by starthief (200 points)

5 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
This should now be fixed in v1.0.2.   After purchasing, just click on the DEMO MODE button (or go to settings and press Register), in the Register box, you can put your login details for the Tracktion Marketplace and press Register.   That should cause things to update and you will no longer be in demo mode.
answered May 13, 2017 by rob (14,780 points)
selected Aug 6, 2017 by rob
0 votes
What DAW are you using?
answered Apr 18, 2017 by synapticgroove (1,360 points)
Maschine 2.6, 32 bit.

Also fired up FL Studio 11.  Same thing; it says "your registration has been approved" and continues to say I'm in demo mode.
Sorry man, I'm out of my element outside of Logic Pro or Ableton.
0 votes

The good news is that the Demo is fully functional, so you are able to use Waverazor for now...   to be clear, the "DEMO MODE" light is still on in the Main UI?

Would you email me, info(a)mok.com  with your Tracktion account details (don't post them here), and I will have the Tracktion admin take a look at your account and see what happened there.

It should have been as simple as the steps you took, after purchasing, you can unlock again with your account and it should show registered.

Doh!  Silly me on the minutes/days/hours...  We tested with 1 hour demo mode before releasing, so until now I've never seen anything longer than 59 minutes.   I will fix that in the next build...     for now just consider it "29 days; aka: 718 hours; aka: 43086 minutes" ;)

answered Apr 18, 2017 by rob (14,780 points)
Even better is to open an issue here:
That will allow us to get the Tracktion web guys involved and see what is going on.
Yes, the main UI still says "DEMO MODE", and the "Register Waverazor" dialog pops up with "Waverazor is in unrestricted Demo Mode, registered to: <my email address>"

I opened an issue on the tracktion site.  Thanks.
For what it's worth, I have now also tried uninstalling and reinstalling (my email address was in the dialog by default so that apparently didn't reset anything); I tried running the 64-bit version of the plugin; I tried changing my password on the site.  Same results, it's still in demo mode.
0 votes

They got me straightened out and all is well. cool

answered Apr 18, 2017 by starthief (200 points)
Glad to hear.   I have also added additional information here to a workaround for clearing the settings
+2 votes

Here is a possible workaround for now, if you can't get out of Demo Mode after purchasing Waverazor:

1. Quit your DAW.

2. Move the Waverazor settings file to the trash.

  • You can find your Waverazor settings file here:
  • Mac: (Users-Home-Folder)/Library/Application Support/mok/waverazor/waverazor.settings
  • PC: C://Users/(your-username)/AppData/Roaming/mok/waverazor/waverazor.settings
  • NOTE: For Mac users, that is a hidden location. From the finder 'Go' menu, hold down the Option key to display the Library folder.

3. Open up your DAW and Waverazor, and click on the NOT REGISTERED button

4. Enter your Tracktion account email and password.

answered Apr 18, 2017 by rob (14,780 points)
This worked for me...read carefully mac users..."NOTE: For Mac users, that is a hidden location. From the finder 'Go' menu, hold down the Option key to display the Library folder."  Thanks Rob!

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